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WILCO 伸展運動治療的「伸展與肌力訓練班」是一項鞏固您運動基礙的調理體驗,幫助您培養更好的體質和活動能力,應對您未來生活中的挑戰。



We are learned at a young age to employ different muscle groups for different kinds of activities and sports.

But when we perform certain movements, even it is a simple motion, our muscles ache and our joints stiffen, leaving us less flexible or unable to carry out specific movements or tasks.

WILCO Stretch Therapy’s “Stretching & Strength-training Class” is a conditioning encounter that fortifies your athletic foundation, and helps you build a better physique and mobility for your future challenges in life.

At this class, we will set training baselines for each of you and look for any patterns of compensating that could impair your mobility. After that, we’ll go through breathing exercises, stretching, and functional training to assist your joints and muscles to perform as supposed in various circumstances to finish particular movements, depending on your current physical condition.

You will learn how to concentrate on your present body sensation, recruit the appropriate muscles to execute movements during each set of exercises, in order to enhance proprioception, joint and postural control, muscle strength, agility and coordination.

服務模式 Service Mode

面對面 / 線上
Face to Face / Online
Studio, online meeting room, or at your preferred site

繳費方式 Payment Methods

香港地區客戶 Hong Kong Clients

FPS 或銀行轉賬
FPS or Bank Transfer

香港以外地區客戶 Clients Outside Hong Kong

Telegraph Transfer

服務收費 Service Charges

每位 Each PersonHKD$100
  • 每堂伸展與肌力訓練班將持續約 60 分鐘
  • 將以港元結算
  • 需要穿運動服。請確保您的身體狀況適合進行任何伸展動作或訓練
  • 活動不得拍攝、錄音和錄影
  • Each session of Stretching & Strength-training Class will last about 60 minutes
  • Hong Kong dollars will be used to settle the balance
  • Athletic attire is required. Make sure you are physically fit to engage in any stretching or training
  • No photo, audio and video recordings are permitted at this event

預約程序 Notes before Enrollment

您可以通過電子郵件或我們的社交媒體平台 (WhatsApp 或 Instagram),簡單地表達您希望進行活動的日期、時間、地點,以及參加人數及其聯絡方式來預約 WILCO 伸展運動治療的「伸展與肌力訓練班」。

當我們收到您們的報名申請後,我們將盡快透過電子郵件、WhatsApp 或 Instagram 與您和其他參與者聯繫,以了解更多有關您們的運動習慣和身體狀況的資訊,同時安排上課時間。





You may schedule WILCO Stretch Therapy’s “Stretching & Strength-training Class” by simply expressing the date, time, location, along with the number of participants and their contact details through email or our social media platform (WhatsApp or Instagram).

As soon as we receive your request for an enrollment, we will get in touch with you and the other participants through email, WhatsApp, or Instagram to learn more about your routine of exercise and physical state while also arranging a class time.

Our “Stretching and Strength-training Class” is charged per class and requires prepayment. You may sign up even if you are just one person.

We only take bank transfers, telegraph transfers, and FPS payments. The time slot is only reserved for the first payer. After getting our notification with billing information, please finish the payment procedure as soon as possible. After purchase, there are no refunds. Kindly arrive on time.

If you participate online, you will receive a link to the online meeting room one day before the event after successfully making a reservation. Throughout the event, kindly remain in a safe, peaceful, and comfortable location.

You are responsible for paying the venue rental if you utilize a location other than our studio or online meeting room. Extra fees could be charged in distant places.

其他服務 Other Services

error: © WILCO 伸展運動治療 WILCO Stretch Therapy. 保留一切權利。All rights reserved.